Idioms Funny Video Chip on Your Shoulder Mmm Sour Cream and Onion

Enjoy reading and share 31 famous quotes about Chip On The Shoulder with everyone.

Chip On The Shoulder Quotes By Charlotte Perkins Gilman

Patriotism, red hot, is compatible with the existence of a neglect of national interests, a dishonesty, a cold indifference to the suffering of millions. Patriotism is largely pride, and very largely combativeness. Patriotism generally has a chip on its shoulder. — Charlotte Perkins Gilman

Chip On The Shoulder Quotes By Christine Feehan

Rhianna flashed Rose a small smile.
Sometimes I have a chip on my shoulder. You know, the woe-is-me-I'm-such-a-martyr complex. — Christine Feehan

Chip On The Shoulder Quotes By Brigham Young

Remember, a chip on the shoulder is a sure sign of wood higher up. — Brigham Young

Chip On The Shoulder Quotes By Jackie Braun

Her voice was as soft and sexy as ever. Those wide-set
blue eyes every bit as distrustful as they'd been during his last
encounter with her, which meant that chip on her shoulder, the
one he'd tried so desperately to dislodge, remained firmly in place. — Jackie Braun

Chip On The Shoulder Quotes By Brad Barkley

Any more questions?" I ask, poking him gently in the ribs.
"Do you still love me any?" Eliot asks, putting his hand over mine.
"A little."
"A little?" he asks, pulling away from me.
"A lot."
"How much?" he asks.
"More than chocolate chip cookies."
"Mmm" he says, kissing my shoulder.
"More than walking on the beach." Eliot kisses me on the neck.
"More than ... " I pause, turning to look at him.
"More than?" he asks, kissing my lips.
I turn toward him. "Anything. — Brad Barkley

Chip On The Shoulder Quotes By S.E. Jakes

The guy was almost as tall as Doc, which put him in the six-foot-five range. And he was broad, with dark hair, but man, the chip on his shoulder was visible from the fucking moon. Prophet — S.E. Jakes

Chip On The Shoulder Quotes By Julie James

Well, at least I'm not a stubborn, button-pushing, Prius-driving, chip-on-your-shoulder-holding, 'stay-at-home-mom'-is-the-eighth-dirty-word-thinking feminazi! — Julie James

Chip On The Shoulder Quotes By Criss Jami

On the whole the modern world has been conditioned to have a chip on its shoulder against devoutly religious people. I disagree with this in some instances - particularly in, believe it or not, matters of integrity. Deep down I often rather believe the man who honestly thinks - or better yet even, prefers - that he has an omnipotent Judge breathing down his neck, holding his every word and his every move accountable, than the man who much like his modern peers, and ironically enough, claims or wishes to bask in complete independence. As it appears actually, the former is more free of guilt than the latter. — Criss Jami

Chip On The Shoulder Quotes By Doug Flutie

It's my whole life of being the little guy and having a little chip on my shoulder, from year to year trying to prove myself, and at the end of the day to be inducted into the College Football Hall of Fame is a very special honor for me. — Doug Flutie

Chip On The Shoulder Quotes By Ted Naifeh

When people think girl adventurers, they tend to think of a spunky, plucky tom-boy with a chip on her shoulder. I'm not saying that this makes for a dull character, but I think other types of adventurous girls exist. It's easy to fall into well-established tropes, believing that the tropes of a genre define the genre itself. — Ted Naifeh

Chip On The Shoulder Quotes By Jodi Picoult

This judge has a chip on her shoulder the size of the whole goddamned courthouse. — Jodi Picoult

Chip On The Shoulder Quotes By Erin Andrews

I think what I try to do with all the naysayers, negative comments, or even people that think you can't do it, I'm trying very hard to use it as motivation and to add to that chip on my shoulder. — Erin Andrews

Chip On The Shoulder Quotes By Lionel Shriver

Like so many of our neighbors who latched onto tragedy to stand out from the crowd
slavery, incest, a suicide
I had exaggerated the ethnic chip on my shoulder for effect. I've learned since that tragedy is not to be hoarded. Only the untouched, the well-fed and contented, could possibly covet suffering like a designer jacket. I'd readily donate my story to the Salvation Army so that some other frump in need of color could wear it away. — Lionel Shriver

Chip On The Shoulder Quotes By Marc Webb

There's a punk rock quality to Peter Parker, that I identified with when I read the comics [Spider-Man], and that I really liked. He has this chip on his shoulder. — Marc Webb

Chip On The Shoulder Quotes By John Waters

I've had it with being nice, understanding, fair and hopeful. I feel like being negative all day. The chip on my shoulder could sink the QE2. I've got an attitude problem and nobody better get in my way ... I'm in a bad mood and the whole stupid little world is gonna pay! — John Waters

Chip On The Shoulder Quotes By Andy Biersack

You try so hard to make something that's fun and exciting, then all anyone wants to talk about is how no-one likes you. It gets very grinding. I had to let the chip I have on my shoulder about that go. — Andy Biersack

Chip On The Shoulder Quotes By Gary Numan

Maybe I over-do the 'not-80s' thing. It should be a part of my life that I've got some sort of pride in, but I've got this huge chip on my shoulder about '80s nostalgia - and it annoys fans sometimes. — Gary Numan

Chip On The Shoulder Quotes By Sydney Schanberg

Lacey had this huge chip on his shoulder. He walked into the room thinking that the people didn't welcome him and didn't like him. He gave the impression that he didn't understand the Voice and New York, and he didn't want to. — Sydney Schanberg

Chip On The Shoulder Quotes By George Will

With a chip on his shoulder larger than his margin of victory, Barack Obama is approaching his second term by replicating the mistake of his first. Then his overreaching involved health care - expanding the entitlement state at the expense of economic growth. Now he seeks another surge of statism, enlarging the portion of gross domestic product grasped by government and dispensed by politics. The occasion is the misnamed 'fiscal cliff,' the proper name for which is: the Democratic Party's agenda. — George Will

Chip On The Shoulder Quotes By Alan Bissett

Scotland can exist fully if we dream hard enough, Julie. I just can't relate to that Scottish deep-fried-chip-on-the-shoulder. Trainspotting was wrong: it feels fucking great being Scottish. We're becoming something, Julie. I can feel it. We're getting dressed up. — Alan Bissett

Chip On The Shoulder Quotes By Hope Solo

I am pushed by my critics. I don't want to say I want to prove them wrong, but it pushes me on the field to play with a chip on my shoulder, and I play best when I have a chip on my shoulder. — Hope Solo

Chip On The Shoulder Quotes By Simon Barnes

The traditional dress of the Australian cricketer is the baggy green cap on the head and the chip on the shoulder . Both are ritualistically assumed — Simon Barnes

Chip On The Shoulder Quotes By Francine Pascal

He smiled all the way to physics class. He almost laughed out loud when he passed through the door and saw her shadowy, hunched-over form casting around for a seat in the back.
She was in his class; this was excellent. Maybe she'd call him a name if he struck up another conversation. Even curse him out. That might fun. God, he'd probably earn himself a restraining order if he tried to sit next to her.
He was so tired of saccharine smiles and cloying tones of voice. People always plastered their eyes to his face for fear of looking anywhere else. He was fed up with everybody being so goddamned nice.
That's why he'd already fallen in love with this weird, maladjusted, beautiful girl who carried a chip the size of Ohio on her shoulder. Because nobody was ever mean to the guy in the wheelchair. — Francine Pascal

Chip On The Shoulder Quotes By T.F. Hodge

That sassy low classy, but dress real cheap-fly-n-fancy, with a chip on her shoulder
she's just a bitterly wounded dove, wanting to be sieged by love. — T.F. Hodge

Chip On The Shoulder Quotes By W.E. DeVore

Charlie Bourdel stood five foot nothing without his combat boots. His long, black, curly hair was caught up in a high ponytail that reached the middle of his back. He kept a switchblade in his right combat boot and a .45 in his guitar case and could and would willingly hurt anybody who made the mistake of messing with him. Between the badass attitude and the fifty-pound chip on his shoulder you'd think he had a fatal case of little man syndrome; you'd be dead wrong. He was one hundred and thirty pounds sopping wet of swagger and confidence. — W.E. DeVore

Chip On The Shoulder Quotes By Billy Corgan

In the beginning, though, I have to admit that I did have a chip on my shoulder. I did want to prove everyone wrong. But after I went through the process and came out the other side, it wasn't about anyone else. — Billy Corgan

Chip On The Shoulder Quotes By George Pelecanos

The reason some crime writers have a chip on their shoulder about the label is because their good books are shelved beside books about nuns and birdwatchers and cats who solve crimes. Overseas, my books are reviewed alongside those of authors like Robert Stone and Don DeLillo, and I have to live and die by that comparison. They don't ghettoize crime writers in other countries, and of course they shouldn't. — George Pelecanos

Chip On The Shoulder Quotes By Marissa Mayer

I don't think that I would consider myself a feminist. I think that I certainly believe in equal rights, I believe that women are just as capable, if not more so in a lot of different dimensions, but I don't, I think have, sort of, the militant drive and the sort of, the chip on the shoulder that sometimes comes with that. — Marissa Mayer

Chip On The Shoulder Quotes By John Hannah

The greatest ability in business is to get along with others and influence their actions. A chip on the shoulder is too heavy a piece of baggage to carry through life. — John Hannah

Chip On The Shoulder Quotes By Michele Tafoya

I never went into it [the business] thinking 'I'm a female sports reporter'. I just went into it thinking 'I'm a sports reporter'. No chip on the shoulder , no feeling like a victim when you walk in, no feeling entitled when you walk in. You've just got to do your job and work extremely hard. I think it's very basic. There's no magic to it. I think honestly it comes down to how badly do you want it. How hard are you willing to work? — Michele Tafoya

Chip On The Shoulder Quotes By Eddie Huang

My parents always insulted each other. Mom was a good student and thought school was important. Dad agreed even though he had a chip on his shoulder because he never got good grades. He learned most things from running around on the street, but in a funny way, my dad was smarter. My mom never remembered what she learned in school because she just memorized stuff for tests; it was my dad, who had bad grades, that actually remembered everything he learned. — Eddie Huang


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